Cryptography Hash Functions


This plug-in contains functions that can perform the following:

  • Create hex encoded hashes for md5, sha1, sha256, and sha512 algorithms
  • Generate hashes with secret key for HMAC
  • Generate hashes of documents
  • Generate a signature key

Key Features & Functionality

This listing currently represents version 2.3.0 of the plug-in.  The functions included are as follows:

  1. md5hash(Text)
  2. md5hashdocument(Document)
  3. sha1hash(Text)
  4. sha1hashdocument(Document)
  5. sha256hash(Text)
  6. sha256hashdocument(Document)
  7. sha512hash(Text)
  8. sha512hashdocument(Document)
  9. hmacmd5hash(Key, Text)
  10. hmacmd5hashdocument(Key, Document)
  11. hmacsha1hash(Key, Text
  12. hmacsha1hashdocument(Key, Document)
  13. hmacsha256hash(Key, Text)
  14. hmacsha256hashdocument(Key, Document)
  15. hmacsha512hash(Key, Text)
  16. hmacsha512hashdocument(Key, Document)
  17. getSignatureKey(key, dateStamp, regionName, serviceName)  
    • Added in version 2.0.0 to assist with AWS integrations
    • Added support for secure credentials store in version 2.1.0
  18. hmacsha256bytehash
  19. getAwsV4Signature
  20. hmacSHA256HexKeyBase64(Key, Text)

Example Use:

  • Rule Definition: md5Hash(ri!string)
  • Rule Output: 63b03e21a6f184cfd36247b5dc0e86cf
  • I am having some issue using the sha1hashdocument function.  I can get a value with sha1hash(todocument(43763)) but is not the correct hash value.

    What am I missing?

    usage (where 43763 is the appian document id): 


    getting the following error:

    Expression evaluation error at function 'sha1hashdocument': The passed parameter(s) are of the wrong type. Received the type com.appiancorp.common.xml.JaxbConversionException: JAXB was not able to produce a value for typed value TypedValue[it=13,v=43763] as java class java.lang.Long.

  • Hi Ed,

    Please try with just the id of the document; this documentId will be used in the class to load the document by the Id

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