Step1: Execute this rule with your report ID. = getPortalReportDatasubset( reportId: 4063, (use your report ID) pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 0 ) ) ====================================================================================================================================================== Output: (report structure) [startIndex=1, batchSize=0, sort=, totalCount=0, data=, identifiers=, report=[name=All Process Models, description=A list of all process models.], columns=[label=Name, field=0, alignment=LEFT]; [label=Creator, field=2, alignment=LEFT]; [label=Created, field=3, alignment=LEFT]; [label=PMId, field=4, alignment=RIGHT]; [label=Current version, field=5, alignment=LEFT]] ====================================================================================================================================================== Step2: Determine Field IDs what you wanted to filter data (In my example: Field 0,1 are Process name and created user) step3: Example: = getPortalReportDatasubset( reportId: 4063, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1 ), contextIds: {}, filters: { /* here Field IDs are constant values for a report, Just run getportalreport datasubset function and find the field Ids' */ { field: "0", operator: "LIKE", value: "* Update *" }, { field: "2", operator: "EQUAL", value: "radhaa"} } ) You can see the attached pdf document for mor operators and related functionality ====================================================================================================================================================== Output: [startIndex=1, batchSize=-1, sort=, totalCount=2, data= [cells=[value=TMs Update Process Constants, drilldown=26]; [value=TMS Update Training Config, drilldown=5]]; [cells=[value=radhaa, drilldown=]; [value=radhaa, drilldown=]]; [cells=[value=12/22/2014 4:53 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=12/22/2014 4:52 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]]; [cells=[value=26, drilldown=]; [value=5, drilldown=]]; [cells=[value=21.0, drilldown=]; [value=1.0, drilldown=]], identifiers=26; 5, report=[name=All Process Models, description=A list of all process models.], columns=[label=Name, field=0, alignment=LEFT]; [label=Creator, field=2, alignment=LEFT]; [label=Created, field=3, alignment=LEFT]; [label=PMId, field=4, alignment=RIGHT]; [label=Current version, field=5, alignment=LEFT]] ====================================================================================================================================================== Step4: If you want to retrieve Specific columns then use column array values not the field IDs. Example: load( local!datasubset: getPortalReportDatasubset( reportId: 4063, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1 ), contextIds: {}, filters: { /* here Field IDs are constant values for a report, Just run getportalreport datasubset function and find the field Ids' */{ field: "0", operator: "LIKE", value: "* Update *" }, { field: "2", operator: "EQUAL", value: "radhaa" } } ), { ProcssName: local![1].cells.value, CreatedBy: local![2].cells.value, Creator: local![3].cells.value } )