rule!HR_teacherSelectionComponent( teacher: local!selectedTeacherDetails, topic: null, teacherFan: local!selectedTeacherFan, validTeacherFan: ri!selectedCasual, additionalSaveInto: {}, topicCoordinator: local!tcFan ), a!textField( readOnly: true, value: " ", validations: { if( and( rule!CAT_isNullOrEmpty( ri!editIndex ), rule!CMN_isNeitherNullNorEmpty( ri!selectedCasual ), or( rule!CMN_isNeitherNullNorEmpty( ri!casualDetails ), rule!CMN_isNeitherNullNorEmpty( ri!selectedTopicCasualDetails ) ) ), if( contains( touniformstring( reject( rule!CAT_isNullOrEmpty, { ri!, ri! } ) ), ri!selectedCasual ), "Casual Academic has already been added to this topic", {} ), {} ), } ), rule!CAT_validateCollegePosition( fan: local!selectedTeacherFan, college: ri!, selectedTeacherDetails: local!selectedTeacherDetails ), rule!CAT_topicAssignCREDetailsV2( local!selectedTeacherFan, local!selectedTeacherDetails ), rule!CAT_additionalContactEmailAddressSection( showWhen: rule!CMN_isNeitherNullNorEmpty( local!selectedTeacherFan ), value: rule!CMN_getValueForName( nameValuePairs: ri!casualsAdditionalEmailAddresses, name: local!selectedTeacherFan ), saveInto: { a!save( target: ri!casualsAdditionalEmailAddresses, value: rule!CMN_addNameValuePair( nameValuePairs: ri!casualsAdditionalEmailAddresses, name: local!selectedTeacherFan, value: trim( save!value ), replaceIfNameAlreadyPresent: true ) ) } ), a!sectionLayout_17r1( label: "Create Work Schedule" ), rule!CAT_sectionToSetCasualWorkScheculeStartAndEndDate( payPeriodDetails: ri!payPeriodDetails, startDates: ri!startDates, endDates: ri!endDates, flagToAddCasual: ri!flagToAddCasual, casualWeeks: ri!casualWeeks, casualWorkSchedule: ri!casualWorkSchedule, selectedCasual: ri!selectedCasual, index: ri!editIndex, tempStartDate: ri!tempStartDate, tempEndDate: ri!tempEndDate, flagStartDateChanged: ri!flagStartDateChanged, flagEndDateChanged: ri!flagEndDateChanged ) rule!CAT_validateCollegePosition with( local!selectedCasual: ri!fan, local!college: ri!college, a!sectionLayout( label: "", contents: { a!textField( readOnly: true(), value: " ", validations: { if( rule!CMN_isNeitherNullNorEmpty( ri!selectedTeacherDetails ), if( not( contains( rule!HR_WS_getCollegeDescForUser( fan: local!selectedCasual ), local!college ) ), "This person does not currently hold a casual position within this college and must be engaged within the college via Workday before proceeding.", {} ), {} ) } ) } ) ) rule!CAT_topicAssignCREDetailsV2 with( local!creRenewalDate: rule!CAT_ENG_getUniqueCRERenewalDateByFan( ri!selectedTeacherFan ), a!sectionLayout_17r1( label: "", firstColumnContents: { if( rule!CAT_isNullOrEmpty( ri!selectedTeacherDetails ), {}, if( rule!CAT_isNullOrEmpty( local!creRenewalDate ), { a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextItem_18r1( text: ri!selectedTeacherDetails.firstName & " " & ri!selectedTeacherDetails.lastName & " does not have a current ", style: "STRONG" ), a!richTextItem_18r1( text: "Working with Children Check", link: a!safeLink( uri: cons!CAT_ENG_WWCC_URL, text: "Working with Children Check" ), style: "STRONG" ), a!richTextItem_18r1( text: ", (DCSI) Child-Related Employment screening clearance or Teacher’s registration. Please contact ", style: "STRONG" ), a!richTextItem_18r1( text: "", link: a!safeLink( uri: cons!CAT_ENG_CRE_SCREENING_EMAIL, label: "" ), style: "STRONG" ), a!richTextItem_18r1( text: " to arrange a Working with Children Check prior to the employee commencing work.", style: "STRONG" ) } ) }, { a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextItem_18r1( text: ri!selectedTeacherDetails.firstName & " " & ri!selectedTeacherDetails.lastName & " has a ", style: "STRONG" ), a!richTextItem_18r1( text: "Working with Children Check", link: a!safeLink( uri: cons!CAT_ENG_WWCC_URL, text: "Working with Children Check" ), style: "STRONG" ), a!richTextItem_18r1( text: ", (DCSI) Child-Related Employment screening clearance or Teacher’s Registration that is valid to " & local!creRenewalDate & ".", style: "STRONG" ) } ) } ) ) } ) )