Buildfile: /usr/local/appian/configManager7.7/build.xml default: start: menu-init: menu-environment: [echo] Available environments: [echo] 1) Local build [echo] 2) Dev build [echo] 3) Staging build [echo] 4) Production build [echo] Q) Quit [echo] [echo] You can avoid this menu by setting the environment variable [echo] APPIAN_PROJECT_ENV to be equal to the value you select here [echo] [input] Choose an environment: (1, 2, 3, 4, Q) menu: [echo] menu environment: 1 [echo] Choose an action: [echo] 0) Install JBoss and Deploy all [echo] 1) Deploy all [echo] 2) Deploy modifications [echo] 3) Deploy engine configuration files only [echo] 4) Deploy all (static) [echo] 5) Deploy modifications (static) [echo] 6) Deploy plugins (compile/jar) [echo] Q) Quit [echo] [echo] You can avoid this menu by setting the environment variable [echo] APPIAN_PROJECT_ACTION to be equal to the value you select here [echo] [input] Choose an action: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Q) install-jboss: [echo] Installing JBoss [unzip] Expanding: /usr/local/appian/configManager7.7/build/ into /usr/local/appian/bin/jboss init-filters: out-of-menu: nonj2ee-classpaths: classpaths: init: [echo] ant version: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on December 20 2010 [echo] java version: 1.7 [echo] application server is: jboss [echo] OS: unix clean-cache: [echo] cleaning runtime at /usr/local/appian/bin/jboss/jboss-eap-6.3/standalone/tmp/work/ [echo] done cleaning runtime clean-app: [echo] cleaning deployed JEE app files from /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear [echo] done cleaning JEE apps clean: prepare: [echo] creating folders at /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear [mkdir] Created dir: /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear/suite.ear [mkdir] Created dir: /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear/suite.ear/conf [mkdir] Created dir: /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear/suite.ear/web.war [mkdir] Created dir: /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear/suite.ear/web.war/WEB-INF [mkdir] Created dir: /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear/suite.ear/lib [echo] done creating folders config-appian: [echo] set AE_CONF=%AE_HOME%\runtime_ear\suite.ear\conf [echo] export AE_CONF=$AE_HOME/runtime_ear/suite.ear/conf [echo] replacing /usr/local/appian/bin/jboss/jboss-eap-6.3/bin/standalone.conf.bat location with runtime_ear value [echo] done configuring appian copy-appian: [echo] copying appian enterprise from /usr/local/appian/ear to /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear [copy] Copying 26452 files to /usr/local/appian/runtime_ear [echo] done copying appian enterprise to runtime validate-files: [delete] Deleting directory /usr/local/appian/configManager7.7/temp [copy] Copying 367 files to /usr/local/appian/configManager7.7/temp [echo] ${properties.invalid} [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** LoadModule jk_module modules/=@webserver.modjk@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** JkWorkersFile =@webserver.home@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** JkLogFile =@webserver.home@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** DocumentRoot "=@appian.static@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** Alias /suite "=@appian.static@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** //MethodDeclaration[not(=@Static='true') or not(@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** .//Name[=@Image='assertTrue' or @ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** .//Name[=@Image='assertTrue' or @ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** PrimaryPrefix/Name[=@Image = 'assertTrue' or @ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [PrimarySuffix/Arguments//Name/=@Image = ancestor::CatchStatement/FormalParameter/VariableDeclaratorId/@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** not(FieldDeclaration[@Final='true'][@Static='true'][=@Private='true'][//VariableDeclaratorId[@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** //ArgumentList//ClassOrInterfaceType/=@Image = ancestor::ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration/@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** not(FieldDeclaration[@Final='true'][=@Private='true'][//VariableDeclaratorId[@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** (..[=@Final='false'] or ..[@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [=@Abstract='true' and @ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [@Image='hashcode' or =@Image='HashCode' or @ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [VariableDeclarator/VariableDeclaratorId[upper-case(=@Image)=@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [=@Image = 'Object' or @ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** [=@Image = 'Object' or @ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** //PackageDeclaration/Name[lower-case(=@Image)!=@ [echo] *** ERROR HERE *** /ClassOrInterfaceType[=@Image='Vector' or @ [echo] *** ERROR HERE ***