####################### custom.properties example file ######################## ## ## ## NOTE: DO NOT simply rename this file custom.properties. ## ## ## ## This file contains examples of entries for the custom.properties override ## ## file. The custom.properties file is not installed by default and must be ## ## created in order to override the default value of a property. Once ## ## present, the custom.properties file will not be overwritten by subsequent ## ## upgrade installations. ## ## The values given in this file are the default values of the configuration ## ## properties. Override a property's default value by copying the relevant ## ## entry from this file and placing it in conf/custom.properties with a new ## ## value. Properties that have no default have listed as ## ## the value and must be given a value specific to your environment in order ## ## to be used. All of the properties are commented with a single #. You ## ## will have to uncomment the property and give it a value when you copy to ## ## custom.properties. ## ## ## ## The most commonly configured properties are listed here. ## ############################################################################### ################# #### General #### ################# ## Specifying the scheme. Necessary when SSL is not performed at the app server ## level but enabled at different layer. conf.suite.SCHEME=http ## Used by both App Server and Engines to build up base URLs for links #conf.suite.APPLICATION_CONTEXT=suite ## The SERVER_AND_PORT property should be in the format server:port. ## The :port is unnecessary if the port is 80 and the SCHEME is http, or the ## port is 443 and SCHEME is https. This is the hostname and port portion of ## the URL viewed by end users in links (e.g., links in emails) conf.suite.SERVER_AND_PORT=localhost:8080 ## The STATIC_PORTAL_CSS_SOURCE_URL, STATIC_FORMS_JS_SOURCE_URL, and ## STATIC_PORTAL_JS_SOURCE_URL allow specifying an external host ## for static javascript and CSS resources, to off-load rendering from ## the main server. #conf.static.STATIC_PORTAL_CSS_SOURCE_URL= #conf.static.STATIC_FORMS_JS_SOURCE_URL= #conf.static.STATIC_PORTAL_JS_SOURCE_URL= ## The minutes of inactivity before the session timeout warning dialog appears #resources.appian.ap.application.appian.ap.session.timeoutwarn=60 ## The BASE_PATH is the path to the directory that contains the accdocs* ## directories referenced in server/_conf/partition.xml. Set this prior to ## migration if upgrading from a previous version and the new installation is ## in a different location on the file system from the previous installation. ## NOTE: The path separator must be a forward slash ("/"), even if using ## Windows. #conf.suite.BASE_PATH= ## The location of the log files. #conf.suite.AE_LOGS=/logs ## ID of the default home page that users see in the designer environment if ## they do not have a custom home page #conf.suite.DEFAULT_HOME_PAGE_ID=0 ## Copyright statements can be overridden using the following properties. The ## copyright property allows overriding the entire statement or supports string ## formatting using a param substitution syntax: %1$s, %2$s, %3$s ## The copyright statement appears as the footer of the designer and legacy ## portal interfaces ## Note that \u00A9 is the copyright symbol. #resources.appian.ap.application.appian.ap.copyright=(v%1$s) \u00A9%2$s %3$s ## The 3 substitution parameters can be individually overriden with the ## the properties as follows: ## %1$s - the version number #resources.appian.ap.application.appian.ap.version=7.10 ## %2$s - the copyright year #resources.appian.ap.application.appian.ap.copyrightYear=2003- ## %3$s - the company name #resources.appian.ap.application.appian.ap.appianName=Appian Corporation ## Autocomplete (1 = Enabled; 0 = Disabled) #conf.suite.AUTOCOMPLETE_ENABLED=1 ## Maximum number of suggestions to return with an autocomplete query #conf.suite.MAX_AUTOCOMPLETE_SUGGESTIONS=12 ## Maximum number of items to cache for autocomplete #conf.suite.CACHE_MAX_SIZE=1000 ## Performance Monitoring ## The comma-delimited list of metrics to output in the performance monitoring ## logs. Set this to blank to enable all performance monitoring metrics in ## the perf_monitor_logs. # server.conf.a.PERF_MONITOR_HEADER=idle,fg,bg,workq_finished,availableWorkQueue,events_received,consumers_received,ProcessMessageConsumers ## The namespace for custom data types created using the data type designer. ## The value must be a URI. When the value of this property is changed, only ## new data types created in the data type designer get the new namespace value. ## The default value for this property is determined by the SERVER_AND_PORT and ## related properties. #conf.data.type.designer.namespace=SCHEME://SERVER_AND_PORT/APPLICATION_CONTEXT/types/ ############### #### Email #### ############### ## Sending Email ## The address that will appear as the sender (the "From" address) of ## notification and password reset emails from the system. ## Defaults to appian-alerts@ #conf.mailhandler.ntf_sndr_addr= ## The domain (portion after the "@") for the "from" email address for ## addresses created via expressions functions; also applies to the domain ## for alert emails when conf.mailhandler.ntf_sndr_addr is not set. Defaults to ## the domain of the server. #conf.mailhandler.email.domain= ## The host is the FQDN, hostname, or IP address of the SMTP server for sending ## email from the system. Muliple SMTP servers can be specified using a comma- ## separated list. They will be tried in the order specified. If a port ## other than 25 is required, append it to the hostname (e.g., mailhost3:9025) ## IMPORTANT: If this is not set, no email will be sent from the system. #conf.mailhandler.mail.smtp.host= ## The username used to connect to the SMTP server above. Set ## conf.mailhandler.mail.smtp.auth=true if user/password are used. Leave the ## default (false) to indicate that the SMTP server does not require ## authentication. If multiple SMTP servers are defined above, the same auth ## settings will apply to all servers #conf.mailhandler.mail.smtp.auth=false #conf.mailhandler.mail.user= ## The protocol should be set to either smtp or smtps. The default value is smtp. #conf.mailhandler.mail.transport.protocol=smtp ## You can enable or require starttls with the "smtp" protocol. Setting ## starttls.enable=true will cause outgoing mail to use STARTTLS if supported by ## the remote server but will fall back to plain smtp otherwise. Also setting ## starttls.required=true will cause mail to fail if the remote server does not ## support STARTTLS. #conf.mailhandler.mail.smtp.starttls.enable=false #conf.mailhandler.mail.smtp.starttls.required=false ## Rendering Email Body ## The following properties tell the application server where to call in order ## to render the email body before sending. Define these if the application ## server cannot connect to the URL defined by ## conf.suite.SCHEME://conf.suite.SERVER_AND_PORT/conf.suite.APPLICATION_CONTEXT #conf.suite.MAIL_SCHEME= #conf.suite.MAIL_APPLICATION_CONTEXT= #conf.suite.MAIL_SERVER_AND_PORT= ## Receiving Email - see documentation for configuration of ejb-jar.xml ## Aliases can be used to route email sent to a particular email address to a ## specified process model, process, or event. They are of the form ## conf.mailhandler.alias.= where is an ## email account and is processmodeluuid, processmodelid, process, ## or event followed by the corresponding id #conf.mailhandler.alias.HelpDeskRequest=processmodeluuid0004cedf-a045-8000-234b-c0a8031014c0 ########################## #### Anonymous Access #### ########################## ## DEPRECATED: Set ANONYMOUS_ACCESS=true to receive email messages in process ## start nodes. It also enables the use of the ANONYMOUS user. ## Setting this property to true does NOT allow users to access the portal ## anonymously. The property remains deprecated because it will be renamed in a ## future release. #conf.suite.ANONYMOUS_ACCESS=false ######################## #### Single Sign-On #### ######################## ## Refer to the documentation on configuring single sign-on through the Spring ## Security framework. ###################### #### Data Capping #### ###################### ## Data Capping properties, value in characters; DATA_CAP_ARRAY in indices. ## The is no maximum value limit for any of these properties. Value must be > 0. #conf.suite.DATA_CAP_WORDS=500 #conf.suite.DATA_CAP_SENTENCES=200 #conf.suite.DATA_CAP_PARAGRAPHS=1000 #conf.suite.DATA_CAP_ARRAY=1000 #server.conf.exec.DATA_CAP_FORM_LABEL=1000 #server.conf.exec.DATA_CAP_FORM_INSTRUCTIONS=1000 ## Data Output Truncation Constants define data truncation limits in ## places where data output is capped (like in report cells). #conf.suite.DATA_TRUNC_SENTENCES=200 ## Notification data caps #conf.suite.ALERT_SUBJECT_LIMIT=150 #conf.suite.ALERT_MESSAGE_LIMIT=1000 ########################### #### Process Execution #### ########################### ## The limit to the number of rows returned in the Database Access node #resources.appian.process.application.arv.limit=10 ## Archiving ## These two properties control what is displayed in the interface as the ## defaults when configuring auto archiving for process models. #conf.suite.AUTO_ARCHIVE_DELAY=7 #conf.suite.AUTO_DELETE_DELAY=0 ## The default amount of time before a completed/canceled process will auto ## archived if not configured otherwise #server.conf.exec.AUTOARCHIVE_DELAY=7 ## Whether or not automatic archiving of completed and canceled processes is ## enabled. 1=enabled; 0=disabled #server.conf.exec.AUTOARCHIVE=1 ## Node Limits ## CAUTION: Raising these values must be tested at the maximum values on the ## target hardware. ## The number of nodes that will be batched for simultaneous execution when a ## node is configured for parallel multiple node execution (on the Other tab). ## Nodes will be started in batches of this amount or fewer until the configured ## amount have been started or until MAX_NODE_INSTANCES has been reached. #server.conf.processcommon.MAX_SPAWN_INSTANCES=100 ## The total number of instances of a single node that can be started in a ## process instance. #server.conf.processcommon.MAX_NODE_INSTANCES=1000 ## Process History ## The maximum number of array items stored in the process history for each ## modified process variable that is a multiple or contains fields that are ## multiples. ## Set to 0 to store unlimited array items. #server.conf.exec.PROCESS_HISTORY_MAX_ARRAY=100 ################## #### Analytics ### ################## ## Analytics Report Rows Cap ## This number specifies the maximum number of items that can be loaded into ## app server memory when processing a report. ## It determines the last page that can be retrieved for a report: ## last page = floor(maxreportrows/(number of analytics engines * number of rows per page)) ## In addition, this also determines the maximum number of rows that will be ## included when a report is exported or printed. #resources.appian.analytics.application.maxreportrows=30000 ## Analytics Engine Timeout ## How much time each analytics engine is allowed to take to process a request in ## milliseconds. The report will time out if the request takes longer to process. #server.conf.processcommon.MAXIMUM_REPORT_MS=2000 ## Analytics Sub-Process Depth ## When a report is configured to include data from sub-processes, analytics ## will only look at this number of sub-process levels deep. #resources.appian.analytics.application.MAX_SUB_DEPTH=10 ## Process Search: report used to display results of process searches ## the value must be an alias defined in analytics-config(-*).xml #resources.appian.process.application.appian.process.process_search_report=all_processes ################### #### Documents #### ################### ## The minimum allowed size for a document or a folder. #resources.appian.ac.collaboration.MINIMUM_DOCUMENT_NAME_LENGTH=4 ## The maximum allowed size in bytes for a document #resources.appian.ac.collaboration.MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE=1024000000 ## The group id of Collaboration Administrators #resources.appian.ac.collaboration.COLLABORATION_ADMINISTRATION_GROUP_ID=0 ## The number of Documents, Knowledge Center, or Folders that can be moved ## simultaneously #resources.appian.ac.collaboration.MAX_NUMBER_MOVEABLE_OBJECTS=4 ## The number of megabytes to allocate to new users' quota for documents ## uploaded to folders in Personal and Teams knowledge centers. Changing the ## value does not affect existing users. #server.conf.collaboration.DEFAULTSPACE=250 ## Whether documents can be downloaded with the Content-Disposition header set ## to "inline" by using inline=true as a request parameter. This property must ## be set to true in order to use PDF forms as task forms or to display the ## contents of a file stored in Documents inline on a page in the web page ## channel. #conf.content.download.inline=false ###################### #### Data Sources #### ###################### ## The primary data source is used to store the data type metadata. It must be ## configured to take advantage of the new data features released in Appian 6.1. ## Set the value to the JNDI name of the datasource that will be used as the ## primary datasource. Note: this datasource should point to a separate ## tablespace than any listed in the conf.data.datasources configuration. conf.data.primary.datasource=jdbc/AppianPrimaryDS ## Comma-separated list of JNDI names of datasources on the application server ## that will be used to store business data. This list is used by the Query ## Database smart service and Data Stores. conf.data.datasources=jdbc/AppianBusinessDS ## The maximum length for SQL names (tables, columns, sequences, etc.) supported ## by the RDBMS in which the data source resides. The value is used when names ## defined by JPA annotations and/or XSD name attributes are used to map to ## tables, columns, etc. via data store entities. This is a global setting ## applied to all data sources. Set the value to the lowest common denominator ## when integrating with several RDBMS platforms. The default is set to Oracle's ## limit. Note: The effective max length is 3 characters less than the given ## value as 3 characters are reserved for system use. #conf.data.sql.name.maxlength=30 ##################### #### Query Rules #### ##################### ## The amount of memory in bytes that will be consumed in the application server ## for a single query before the query is halted. Default is 1 MB. #conf.data.query.memory.limit=1048576 ## The amount of time in seconds that a query will wait for a response from the ## database before timing out. #conf.data.query.timeout=10 ############################# #### Identity Management #### ############################# ## The maximum length of a user's last name #resources.appian.ag.constants.ag.ln.maxsize=35 ## The maximum length of a user's middle name #resources.appian.ag.constants.ag.mn.maxsize=35 ## The maximum length of a user's first name #resources.appian.ag.constants.ag.fn.maxsize=35 ## User Visibility ## The default behavior when the Viewers role in a user's role map is empty. ## Valid values: viewer-details; none. ## When set to 'viewer-details', all users will be able to see the profile ## details of a user if that user's role map has no Viewers configured. ## If set to 'none', no users will see that user's details unless they are ## explicitly added in the Viewers role of that user. Regardless of the value ## given for this property, if the Viewers role is non-empty, only those users ## set in the Viewers role will be able to see that user's profile details. #conf.security.user.DEFAULT_VISIBILITY=viewer-details ## User identification in Tempo notifications ## The default user identification used in Tempo notifications. ## Valid values: true; false. ## When set to 'true' (the default value), user's display name (first name last ## name) will be used. ## When set to 'false', user's username will be used. ## This should be used in tandem with conf.security.user.DEFAULT_VISIBILITY ## such that when users are set to be not visible to other users ## (i.e. conf.security.user.DEFAULT_VISIBILITY=none), usernames are used in ## Tempo notifications (i.e. conf.security.user.TEMPO_NOTIF_DISPLAYNAMES=false) ## so as not to expose display names undesirably. #conf.security.user.TEMPO_NOTIF_DISPLAYNAMES=true ############# #### JMS #### ############# ## A list of client ids to use when connecting to the JMS provider, either ## clientIds needs to be defined as a comma-separated list or both ## clientIdPrefix and maxConnections must be defined #conf.jms.clientIds= #conf.jms.clientIdPrefix=CLIENT_ #conf.jms.maxConnections=20 ## The name of the JMS topic or queue that contains messages destined for ## process #conf.jms.processTopic=Process ## Some JMS providers have a prefix before the topic of queue name, if needed ## define that prefix here #conf.jms.topicPrefix= #conf.jms.queuePrefix= ## If the JMS provider requires a username and password for connection, define ## the username here and the password in passwords.properties ################ #### Search #### ################ ## Maximum number of terms that will be indexed in a field for search ## If out of memory errors occur during search indexing, reduce this number #conf.search.lucene.maxFieldLength=2147483647 ## Maximum number of docs allowed in a merge segment during indexing #conf.search.lucene.maxMergeDocs=2147483647 ## Number of merge segments to use when creating the Lucene index ## Increasing the value speeds up indexing, but uses more memory. #conf.search.lucene.mergeFactor=25 ## Determine whether search results contain items for non-searchable containers ## if the user has access. A value of true indicates that a user with access to ## a Knowledge Center or Folder will see its contents in search results ## regardless of whether the container is set as searchable. #conf.search.lucene.permission.ignoreSearchFlag=false ## The directory where the global search index generation is created. Use a ## forward slash (/) on all platforms. #server.conf.search.SEARCH_INDEX_DIR=/_admin/search/data ## The number of rows to write to the global search index file at one time. ## Decrease this value to improve memory performance at the expense of CPU ## performance. If the program receives memory full (wsfull) errors during ## search index generation, decrease this value. #server.conf.search.SEARCH_INDEX_SPLIT=5000 ## The directory where the local search index for data from the primary ## data source is stored. This directory must not be shared between ## multiple application servers. Use a forward slash (/) on all platforms. #conf.data.primary.datasource.search.index=/_admin/search-local/index-primary ########################################################## #### Web Services: Exposing Processes as Web Services #### ########################################################## ## See uddi-config.xml.example for how to configure UDDI registries ## By default process models exposed as a web service can be found at ## SCHEME://SERVER_AND_PORT/APPLICATION_CONTEXT/webservice/processmodel/*?WSDL ## If you want a different base URL (part before /webservice..) define that here ## An application server or web server connected to the system must be listening #resources.appian.webservices.application.webservice.baseurl= ########################### #### Web Services Node #### ########################### ## The following are properties that control the behavior of HTTP connections ## made by the Call Web Service Node during service invocation. ## Number of seconds to wait to establish a connection with a web service host #conf.node.webservice.connection.timeout=60 ## Once a connection is established, the number of seconds to wait for a ## response to a request #conf.node.webservice.socket.timeout=60 ## Number of redirect responses (HTTP 304) the web service node will accept #conf.node.webservice.max.redirects=4 ################## #### Plug-ins #### ################## ## The plug-in loading poll interval is the maximum number of seconds that will ## pass before loading a new plug-in after it is placed in the plugins ## directory. Setting the interval to 0 will cause hot deployment to be ## disabled and deploying a new plug-in will require an app server restart. #conf.plugins.poll-interval=60 ############### #### Retry #### ############### ## Some smart services and expression functions that can be safely retried when ## they encounter certain transient errors. This setting determines length of ## time (seconds) from the initial failure that the action will be retried ## before failing permanently. The exponential backoff retry frequency is not ## configurable. Set this configuration to 0 to disable automatic retries. #conf.retry.MAX_TIME_TO_LIVE=64800