load( local!action:"", local!gridSelectionCart: a!gridSelection( pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 5, sort: a!sortInfo(field: "part",ascending: true) ) ), with( local!datasubsetCart: todatasubset(ri!itemsCart, local!gridSelectionCart.pagingInfo), a!formLayout( label:"Parts PO - Associate Vehicle", firstColumnContents: { a!gridField( label:"", totalCount:local!datasubsetCart.totalCount, columns: { a!gridTextColumn(label: "Mfr", field: "mfr", data: proper(index(local!datasubsetCart.data, "mfr", {}))), a!gridTextColumn(label: "Part", field: "part", data: proper(index(local!datasubsetCart.data, "part", {}))), a!gridTextColumn(label: "Vehicle No", field: "vehicle", data: index(local!datasubsetCart.data, "vehicle", {})) }, identifiers: index(local!datasubsetCart.data, "id", {}), value: local!gridSelectionCart, saveInto:local!gridSelectionCart ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Button Widget Submit", value:"selectVehicle", style:"PRIMARY", saveInto:{ local!action, a!save(ri!itemsCart.vehicle, "91524") } ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Button Widget", value:"selectVehicle", saveInto:{ local!action, a!save(ri!itemsCart.vehicle, "91524") } ) }, secondaryButtons:{} ) ) ) ) Define ri!itemsCart input (Array ) of type CDT and for the above Rule. CDT has below fields (Text type) : id, mfr, part, vehicle Sample Value for itemsCart: --------------------------- { {id:"1", mfr:"ABC", part:"1234", vehicle:""}, {id:"2", mfr:"DFE", part:"1111", vehicle:""} }