=load( local!disableButtons: ri!validationLocation = "relatedAction", a!formLayout( label: if(rule!APN_isBlank(ri!displayText),{}, ri!displayText), firstColumnContents: { a!richTextDisplayField( label: "", value: { a!richTextItem(text: "IDEAS received the below PDS Validation Errors for this order. Please review the errors and take one of the following actions: "), a!richTextBulletedList( items:{ "If you would like to go back and correct the award information based on the errors, click 'Edit Award To Correct Errors'.", "If you would like to submit the award for KO review regardless of the errors, click 'Submit to KO for Review'.", "If you would like to refresh the PDS Validation, click 'Refresh Validation'." } ) } ), a!textField( label: "", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: "Please note, the KO will also receive these errors as part of the KO Review task. All errors are logged in folder "&'cons!78_NoticeofAward'&" of the contract file for your reference.", refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", readOnly: true(), validations: {}, align: "LEFT" ), a!buttonLayout( secondaryButtons:{ a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Refresh Validation", style: "NORMAL", value: "retry", saveInto: ri!buttonChoice, skipValidation: true() ) } ), rule!IDEAS_gridPdsValidationErrors(ri!pdsCdt) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { if(local!disableButtons, a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Cancel", style: "NORMAL", value: "cancel", saveInto: ri!buttonChoice, disabled: not(local!disableButtons), skipValidation: true() ),{ a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Edit Award To Correct Errors", style: "PRIMARY", value: "edit", saveInto: ri!buttonChoice, disabled: local!disableButtons, skipValidation: true() ), a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Submit to KO for Review", style: "NORMAL", value: "continue", saveInto: ri!buttonChoice, disabled: local!disableButtons, skipValidation: true() ) } ) } ) ) )