/* Data is the challenging one similar to report. That to it is acheibale through QueryProcessAnalytics or QueryEntity Aggregation */ load( local!dropdown, local!sereis:{1,4,2,6,3,8,1}, with( /* Use Query Process Analytics to get data from process report to get data month wise or u can use QueryEntity Aggragation fucntion to get data for monthly basis */ a!dashboardLayout( firstColumnContents: { a!sectionLayout( label: "Year", firstColumnContents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Lorem Ipsum", choiceLabels:{"2015","2016"}, choiceValues:{"2015","2016"}, placeholderLabel:"--Select--", labelPosition: "ADJACENT", value: local!dropdown, saveInto: local!dropdown ) }, secondColumnContents: {} ), a!sectionLayout( label: "Lorem Ipsum", firstColumnContents: { /* Create process report and select group by attribute so that u get the data of month basis and u can call that using QueryProcessAnalytics and populate it in chart serires data */ a!lineChartField( categories:{"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","June"}, series:{ a!chartSeries(label:"",data:{1,4,2,6,3,8,1}) } ) } ), a!sectionLayout( label:"Your Process Report or DS Data", firstColumnContents:{ a!dropdownField( label: "Lorem Ipsum", choiceLabels:{"2015","2016"}, choiceValues:{"2015","2016"}, placeholderLabel:"--Select--", labelPosition: "ADJACENT", value: local!dropdown, saveInto: local!dropdown ) /* Call if u need Process Report Data using QueryProcessAnalytics or get Data from Database to populate the Grid Add Filter as per requirement and build it like similar */ } ) }, secondColumnContents: {} ) ) )