I am trying to follow appian academy tutorial.
In the steps i have to call a record type using rule input in an interface.
However, when i type my record name in New rule input type it is not shown.
What can i do?
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Hi Najlaa,
Please try searching the recordtype in the datatype dropdown by manually typing the values.(ex:vehicle)
Also below is the sample rule to query your record type
ex: Vehicle is my record type
a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!Vehicle', filters:a!queryFilter( field:Vehicle.id, operator:"=", value:ri!id, ), pagingInfo:a!pagingInfo( startIndex:1,batchSize: 1 )).data
please try and let me know for any challenges. Thanks
I can only use the given types in the drop down list or input a CDT manually. I cannot input anything else in the rule input (ie: recordType or an expression rule) What should I do ?
Having same issue.