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KB-1202 "Error getting record type... Static facets with multiple target values are not supported" error thrown when opening a record's list view


Records fail to load their respective list views after making a primary database change during a migration:

[Appian ReschedulingTimerTask - IaReplicatorTimerTask - 9] ERROR com.appiancorp.ix.analysis.LoadingIterator - Error getting record type 

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Static facets with multiple target values are not supported. fieldCfg=com.appiancorp.record.domain.FieldCfg

Clicking on the User Filters on the record definition also fails with the following error:

ERROR - Internal Server Error on REST API invocation.

com.appiancorp.process.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException$AppianExceptionProvider: Expression evaluation error : [valid:false,syntaxError:false,value:Expression evaluation error: An error occurred while executing a save: Expression evaluation error : Invalid index (1) for list: valid range is empty] (APNX-1-4198-000)


The above symptoms and log messages indicate that there is a problem with the User Filters and facets part of the record definition.


The first step to troubleshoot this kind of a problem is to see if it simply works by exporting the Record Type object from the environment you migrated from and importing it into the target system.

The problem in the above example is that newline characters were not accounted for when you migrated the primary database, particularly for the record_facet_opt_cfg table. Check the value_list column, the values have to have a new line character at the end of the value. If the new line characters ('\n') are missing, you will have to either reimport the SQL data to account for the new line characters or re-import all of your record types from the system.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: March 2017