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KB-1262 "Lock obtain timed out" error thrown when starting the application server


The following error is seen in the application server log:

[Appian ReschedulingTimerTask - SearchIndexSyncTimerTask - XXXXX] ERROR - [Search index sync: jdbc/XXXX] XXXX consecutive errors. Will try again in XXXX ms.
Caused by: Lock obtain timed out:<APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/search-local/index-primary/com.appiancorp.tempo.rdbms.EventFeedEntry/write.lock


This error typically occurs when the application server is improperly shut down.

In a distributed environment, this error can occur if the network drive where <APPIAN_HOME>/_admin resides becomes unavailable while the application server is starting up or shutting down. The network drive becoming unavailable would prevent the deletion of the write.lock file.


1. Stop the application server.
1. Delete the write.lock file in <APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/search-local/index-primary/com.appiancorp.tempo.rdbms.EventFeedEntry.
1. Restart the application server.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: June 2017