Setting Expiration Duration on Temporary Documents Folder in 18.1

Does anyone know if the ability to set Expiration Duration on a folder was a lost configuration item with the deprecation of the documents tab in designer. We are on 18.1 and looking to set cleanup on our temporary documents folder but I am having trouble finding this ability in the /design view for documents.

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  • Kevin-

    The issue we are having is with the Temporary Documents knowledge center and it's only an issue on the servers that we have SELinux enabled on. On the other environments with the same application design, the documents get removed after 7 days, but in the higher environments, they are being left on the server. We suspect it's a security issue in the higher environments, but are having trouble determining exactly which process is causing the temporary documents are getting removed.

    Any suggestions on what might be doing the clean up?

  • Hi Sean,

    The details around how your on-premise environments are configured are a bit outside of my wheelhouse, so I would suggest opening a support case with our Support team if you haven't already.

    The Temporary Documents knowledge center has its own special file clean up (that is a separate thing from the expiration duration feature) that will actually delete the files stored in it. There are a couple of properties that can be overwritten in the file to change the frequency of this feature; maybe it is possible those were updated by mistake?