I have successfully deployed Appian for the first time. Now trying to login usin

I have successfully deployed Appian for the first time. Now trying to login using following credentials
username : Administrator
password: admin
but it returns with a 403 Forbidden error.

Getting below error on jboss once clicked on Submit button after entering credentials.

13:18:24,401 INFO [stdout] (http-/ 2016-02-01 13:18:24,400 [http-/] ERROR com.appiancorp.security.csrf.CsrfChannelProcessor



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  • Issue was in my web.xml file.
    I deleted web.xml file. And repeated the steps related to this file.
    Deployed the code and restarted the Jboss. It starts working.
  • Hi all, even I have come across the issue as mentioned in this post. I don't think there is a specific reason for this error because in my case it happened because of not providing valid values for 'user' and 'password' attributes for the security domain of business data source in standalone.xml, and I have actually forgotten this step. Thereafter I have identified the issue by going through the console while making the attempt to login.

    After updating the 'user' and 'password' attributes of security domain of business data source, I have redeployed the changes and restarted Appian. And this time, there isn't any authorization issue.

    Not sure if the above experience helps some one, but those were my findings and that's the way how I resolved it.