Performance of Entity Backed Record

If i have more than 100k rows in a table and i want to display it in the Record. As it is a huge data how can i handle it to maintain the performance of the record.

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  • Hello,
    I have a question. We are using the service backed record and using stored procedure in that as a expression. By your suggestion how can we increase the performance. Can you help me in that.
    What I believe in Entity Backed record by using the paging record will fetch only that data at that time and click no next button it will fetch other batch on that click
    Thanks in advance.

    Sahil Batra
  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to sahilb346

    What is the performance of the stored procedure like? Are you stuck with a stored procedure or could you use a view or materialised view? Once you've tuned the stored procedure / view, make sure you're returning only the fields required for the record list view as well as a correctly paged datasubset (rather than returning everything and then paging it within the source expression).

    As I understand it, it is true to say that the entity backed record fetches only the data you required but it's how it does that fetch that can be a problem. For example, if you're returning 25 rows of a 1 million row dataset, the default filter can be written in such a way that it has to be applied per row rather than as a simple where clause.

    Obviously with an entity backed record, we don't have control over how this happens - but with a service-backed record we do. In fact, when using a service-backed record its often a good idea to move the default filter to inside the source expression so that you have control over how the filter is applied and can make sure it is done efficiently.

  • Hi Aloks,

    In Entity backed records When The record List style is grid I didn't find any option like batch size under record view details but when I click on "Edit Record List" Link then in that grid we have an option called "Rows to display per page" where we regulate the no of records per page.

    Can you please confirm whether we have any other option like batch size or else you are also referring to the same "Rows to display per page"?

    If we set the Rows to display per page as 10 "Is it going fetch only 10 records form database or else it going to fetch entire data and after that it perform filtering"?

    Thanks in Advance
  • 0
    A Score Level 2
    in reply to krishnaprasadd
    The "Rows to display per page" we can call it as pagination. So initially those rows will be loaded on to the screen. When user navigates to the next page then the next set of data will be loaded.
  • Hello Chandu,

    If this is the function of the pagination then the performance should not be affect by the number of rows if we are not using any default filter ad the record will pick only 50 batch of record at a time.
    I am right or wrong? Can you please guide me?

    Sahil Batra
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sahilb346
    Also make sure, you query only those columns which are needed to be available in record. Because I have seen many cases where one table has 70-80 columns, so it's always a good idea to query only those columns, in this case you can create a display cdt on top of the actual table and configure only those columns which are needed in entity backed record. Configure this cdt in data store entity and build the record on top of this entity. But this type of implementation is required only when you are dealing with a table which is having many columns, which you don't need in your record. This can also impact the performance