I need to develop Application into Appian platform.
Our UI is having many dropdowns around 20 for search criteria.
1. What is best way to get data from database? using REST service or direct connection.
2. Does all different dropdowns should call different stored procedure or any other way?
3. Does Appian provides Caching so we can define caching policy. otherwise everytime i refresh page then it will hit database to get data.
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Thanks Jose.
Your point no.3 solution I am looking.
Since i have many fields on UI. some data changes daily, some are very frequent but unpredictable. So I need deterministic approach that i should be able to define caching policy such that let's say every 5 hours cache should be refreshed. Does Appian provides such feature? If not then what's alternative.
I may not have read the discussion closely enough, but so far, I understand that your scenario is regarding a user potentially having a task that has many dropdown fields where the task may or may not be completed in a short amount of time.
In which case, you would like to retrieve the most current/latest data without constantly querying the DB (in your case, REST API) if enough time has passed by.
If the above is correct, would the following steps be a possible solution?
Some drawbacks are user interaction is required and the data refresh is not as automatic as you would like. I don't recall there being a way, in Appian, to automatically trigger data refresh without some level of user interaction though so I believe this to be a constraint no matter what.
Additionally, where you store the retrieved data can vary, but my typical rule of thumb is if I'm not going to use the data later on in the given workflow or for monitoring/debugging purposes, keep it on form. Selections users have made, however, should be kept in process variables if users will be able to leave & return back to the task unless this would cause potential conflict with the updated data that is retrieved.
I'm sure I didn't think thru everything possible, but if you have questions and/or you found this helpful, let me know!