Database Insert using Write to Data Store Entity Smart Service

Hi All,

I have had good success using the Write to Data Store Entity Smart Service to INSERT rows into database tables using CDTs. I thought there will be an Update Database Smart Service just like there is a Delete from Data Store Entity but I read on Appian documentation that the Write to Data Entity is the same smart service used to UPDATE database rows. I also tried to find examples without success.

The Write to Data Store Entity accepts a Data Store Entity node input but I am having a hard time finding the parameter where I can specify the id for the primary key of the table and also I cannot see the parameter where I can specify which column in the database I want to update, and lastly the new value.

As an example, my CDT looks like this:


For the above CDT, I am trying to set the value of currentStatus to "Initiator Rework" for the row with id coming from pv!requestData.requestId. How can I configure the Write To Data Store Entity to achieve this?


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