I'm trying this tutorial...
I'm interesting about the two code lines that enables to store the Object selected items :
selectionSaveInto {
a!save(local!selectedVehicles, append(local!selectedVehicles, fv!selectedRows)), a!save(local!selectedVehicles, difference(local!selectedVehicles, fv!deselectedRows))
All works fine, but could you explain me why when I'm try to set local!selectedVehicles into a Rule Input. I obtain this error below please ?
I've just addied 2 lines of code :
a!localVariables (
local!selectedVehicles : ri!selectedVehicles, /* that is the same type used for the grid data, CDT type with array values */
a!save(...), a!save(...),
a!save(ri!selectedVehicles, local!selectedVehicles)
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