Hi,I have a recordData used to display a simple grid.How may I take advantage of the local!data var ? I woud need to get the TotalCount of this RecordData for example, or to copy data in a CDT list.Have I to cast this variable ?
local!data: a!recordData( recordType: 'recordType!TT_R_Vehicles', filters: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!TT_R_Vehicles.fields.model', operator: "=", value: "BMW" ) }, ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true ) ), a!gridField( label: local!labels.units, labelPosition: "ABOVE", data: local!data, columns: {
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I think I have found another way but thank you Maheshg (sorry I've forgot, it was 2 years ago ;-) )
Thank you Sanchit for these additional explanations.
What other way you found? I also need to do the same.
Hello, I'm not sure to remember, butI think I had to query data a 2nd times (like has suggested Sanchit above)
Yes. Query the data a second time. The alternative is, to query the data outside of the grid in the first place.