Hi Team,
I am trying to get the month, day and year from the date time. I was able to filter the records using a query, but the result is in a list type variant.
I am unable to apply month/day functions to the fv!item.
If i write month[fv!item] i am getting the following error.
"Expression evaluation error at function a!forEach [line 47]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 16: Expression evaluation error at function 'month' [line 56]: A null parameter has been passed."
I believe it is because each individual item is itself a list.
I don't know how to drilldown the list. fv!item[1] give me another error.
"Expression evaluation error at function a!forEach [line 47]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error : Invalid index: Cannot index type Number (Integer) into type Date and Time".
Any help is appreciated. thanks
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