How to extend array with attributes

Certified Associate Developer

Hello guys, in my database ICH_Contracts i have information about my master contract saved in several attributes. In my process model this is saved as a porcess variable:

contracts = [startYear=2023, startMonth=1, noOfOccurences=5, isCancelled=N, frequency=FRQ1, active=Y, createdOn=12/1/2022 4:15 PM,, lastUpdateDate=12/1/2022 4:16 PM, lastUpdateBy=jlopeza7, contractType=CTYPE2, contractId=175, contractNumber=FY2300000176]

I have a process variable which stores information about the child contract numbers:

childcontractsnumber = FY2300000176_1; FY2300000176_2; FY2300000176_3; FY2300000176_4; FY2300000176_5

What i need to achieve is to add these child contract numbers to the contracts DB as new rows, where the contractNumber will be the values from pv!childcontractsnumber and the rest of the attributes will be just copied. So basically extend the contracts pv with these 5 new values.

Can you please help me out with this?


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