Hi there. I have used write records smart service in my process model and I have configured both input and output nodes. But I'm unable to capture records updated into a variable in write records.
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Here we trade tips for details. Can you share some screenshots of your node configuration?
Here it is.
In your first screen shot you show us the variable "vacationdetails". In the node config you use "vacation".
I tried this as well. But It's not working.
OK. Questions:
- Is there any data in the PV vacation before that node?
- Is the data written to the database?
- Is the node configured to halt on error?
- What is the output of the error node value?
- Do you see any error message?
1. Yes, I can see the value in script task
2.Yes, data is being written
3.yes.It has been configured to pause on error
4. Its empty
5.No error message
Hm ... I do not see an obvious issues. Maybe others have any ideas.
Okay. But thank you for looking into it
So the input is vacation and the output is also vacation? Have you tried creating a new output pv as part of the debugging process?
Yes. I tried it but it wasn't working.