How to cast record field in the format of text (#"urn:appian:record-field:...../.....) to record field?

Certified Lead Developer

Hi ,

when I sort on a record backed read only grid , sort field that is stored is in the format #"urn:appian:record-field:v1:ff132d24-cf88-4234-88ae-9fe224dd3dfd/b05761f7-3e63-4e76-bb2b-10c4886815d8.

I need to store this sorting preference for each user level. This is not being stored in record field type. its type is string. Even if i want to cast it to record field I am getting error that cast invalid.

Only way i could find to covert this into a record field is by using eval() function. But eval() function is a hidden one. Can some one give me an idea on how to handle this?

Thank you

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