I have a table with 1:M relationship, as stated in 23.3 I can update with just one write records smart service, how to pass related data there
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Got it the rule inputs should be modified to store related data
Hi Kumar,you need a create record relationship first and and all the records must under same data source. you can build record data using record type or have variable of type that record.
you can refer for detailed info heredocs.appian.com/.../Write_Records_Smart_Service.html
You will find the record relationships in the parent data structure just like a field name. Populate these fields and you are good to go.
You can build your record in such a way and use in a Write Records node. It will populate the vehiculeId on the related record on its own.
Also here's an additional doc reference, recently updated to provide additional related record writes guidance - docs.appian.com/.../manage-record-data.html
I am trying the same but it is not working . I have a record type case and one more called tasks. but in a single writerecord it is failing saying the child record's foreign key firled value can not be null
More details please. Code snippets, screenshots, error messages, record config, etc..
Is the foreign key field set as not nullable in the database? If so this could be the issue. We are working to support this scenario soon, but for now it's best to allow the field to be nullable when you are creating parent and child records in the same variable.
Hi Laura,We got the error message as "Unable to write to the source because the data source did not respond. Error Details: Field 'fk_field_name' doesn't have a default value". As per your suggession, It worked after setting the field as nullable. Actually we did sent the valid value for that field it is not empty, So expected that to work. Do you know when this issue will be fixed in Appian?
Different scenarios of not-null constraints will be available in 23.4 and 24.1. Once you upgrade to 23.4 (available in Nov) you'll want to work with customer service to change a toggle setting and then check your particular situation again to see if you can revert to your original constraint.