Group Hierarchy and Record View Restriction


I and my team are new to Appian.  We have a requirement where we need to have a hierarchical group structure within Appian that will drive the record visibility for users.  Here is the hierarchy from a business perspective:

Business Administrators

|_Org Unit Admin

|__Org Unit Submitters (people who submit a request)

|___Business Unit 1

|___Business Unit 2


The Org Unit Submitters will be submitting requests for their org unit and work is getting routed to both Business Unit 1 and Business Unit 2 workers.  Anyone within the Org Unit as well as the Business Admins need to see the records for that Org Unit.  Business Admins need to see requests for all Org Units.

First, how do we create the group hierarchy for the Org Units within Appian?  Can you directly relate parent/child groups (at design time) and traverse that hierarchy (at run time)?

Second, what is the best way to set visibility on a record view to look at the user's group and find which restricted record lists they user is authorized to see based on their group within the hierarchy?

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