Fetch only rows from CDT

Hi Everyone,

Is there a way we can fetch few rows from process variable with type CDT.

I have process variable lets say pv!ABC_cdt, if i want to gets 1st to 10th rows or 20th row to 30th row either i can convert that to todatasubset by adding paging(1,10) or paginf(20,10)  or i have to map the indexes pv!ABC_cdt[{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}]. in my case i cannot use to data subset.. is there any dynamic way where i can get the values by passing "from" and "to" rows.


My realtime use case is like below:

I have a data in process variable  i want to display the data in multiple editable grids by dividing the data and i cannot use multiple process variables. even though its multiple grids the data should be stored in single process variable which i'm passing to it.

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