I have this issue in tempo:Expression evaluation error at function rule!Confirmation_Interface: Rule 'confirmation_interface' has 1 parameters, but instead passed 0 parameters.Do you know what i'm doing wrong?to be honest i'm not familiar with programming
=load( local!test: 'type!{http://www.appian.com/ae/types/2009}LabelValue'(), local!currentStep: 1, local!steps: {"Step 1", "Step 2", "Confirmation"}, a!formLayout( label: "Confirmation Interface", instructions: "123", contents: { a!milestoneField( steps: local!steps, active: local!currentStep ), a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Label", value: local!test.label, saveInto: local!test.label, required: local!currentStep <> length(local!steps), readOnly: local!currentStep = length(local!steps) ) }, showWhen: or(local!currentStep = 1, local!currentStep = length(local!steps)) ), a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Value", value: local!test.value, saveInto: local!test.value, required: local!currentStep <> length(local!steps), readOnly: local!currentStep = length(local!steps) ) }, showWhen: or(local!currentStep = 2, local!currentStep = length(local!steps)) ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Done", showWhen: local!currentStep = length(local!steps), style: "PRIMARY" ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Next", value: local!currentStep + 1, saveInto: { local!currentStep }, showWhen: local!currentStep <> length(local!steps), style: "PRIMARY", validate: true ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Go Back", value: local!currentStep - 1, saveInto: local!currentStep, showWhen: local!currentStep > 1 ), a!buttonWidgetSubmit( label: "Cancel", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, style: "LINK", skipValidation: true ) } ) ) )
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