Interface submission end with page to show the Entity ID

Hi All,

I am a new user for Appian, I am creating a form to capture user information and save to entity which is using the database auto ID.

Since the interface start from process, it will return to initial form once completed the submission.

May I know is there have any method can show the end page with entity unique ID and then let user to click the close button back to the initial form?

Please help on it, thanks!

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  • I mean is it possible to show the Id in the task and backend process is keep going to next node. I saw my vendor can build the task to show the ID, if I don't click the "Close" button, the process flow still can go to the next node. 
    If i wait for a minute to click the close button, it is no any error said the task is completed. 

    Since no source code for this application, do you have any advises for this setup? 

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to edmondc0001

    If this is the end of the user interaction, in other words you want to show them the created ID but they don't need to enter any more info or (necessarily) click anything to complete the process or have the process otherwise move onward, then my normal suggestion is to make the task have no buttons at all, so that the user HAS to click away (back to the site / record listing / etc); as for the task in the process flow, give it a timeout of 1 minute at which point it'll move on to the next part of the process (or to the process end).