download excel report from temporary community document folder to local drive

Hi ,

We have created a process model which will extract the report from querydatabase and export it to excel and save it under temporary document folder in community section.

We need to add this to report tab in tempo page as XYZ Report. Users needs to click on XYZ Report and the excel generated report could be downloadable and save this to local drive.

Could anyone help us and let us know how to do it.

Attached the process model.


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  • If you look at third screen shot pv!exportdata ; fieldlabels,fieldNames,fileName all are empty. Make sure the entire ac!exportData is saved to pv!exportData,it will start working
  • Thanks george. I have followed up the same process but still I am getting 500 error when I click on the download link. In the background the process run successfully and process variable values are showing correctly. Please note the attached screenshots.

    This is what I am getting in the application.log

    "2017-01-10 04:45:52,529 [http-/] ERROR - There is a fieldname mismatch between field(s) in the expression and those in the datasubset on - WorkFlowName
    2017-01-10 04:45:52,530 [http-/] ERROR - There is a fieldname mismatch between those specified in the expression, and those in the datasubset.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: There is a fieldname mismatch between those specified in the expression, and those in the datasubset.

    Download option is also not coming getting 500 errror.

  • You are almost there , the fix is simple. If you look at your "fieldNames" and data returned by your query rule ,the names doesn't match. For example WORKFLOWNAME, this "workFlowName" in data and "WorkFlowName" in fieldNames. These names should match ,of course you can have what ever descriptive names you wish in "fieldLabels". But "fieldNames" should have the exact name of the field in data