Hi ,
I am setting a rest call using Integration Smart Service and on the field which is text I need to sent a sprecific structure like follow:
{ { "Name": "Name1","Value": pv!Value1},{ "Name": "Name2","Value": pv!Value2}} .
I try several different scenarios but nothing is complete as expected.
Please advice me how to proceed.
Thanks in advance.
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It is really hard to understand what is going on.
I suggest to test the integration objects itself. Not via a process model. Once that works, you will have abetter understanding of the data to pass in.
Once again, I would like to see how the integration object looks like.
From integration definition and postman it works
OK. Then I need a screenshot of the call integration node showing how you pass the values. Similar to the screenshot above, but click on "SystemRolesDetails" first.
We have systems where this parameters is null and those calls are OK the problem are the call where we have parameters.
Here is the body of the integration:
=a!toJson({ "AppianID" : ri!AppianID, "GetProvisioningApproversInfo":{ "SystemID":ri!SystemRolesDetails.SystemID, "roleID": ri!SystemRolesDetails.RoleID[1], "moduleID": ri!SystemRolesDetails.ModuleID, "employeeID":ri!SystemRolesDetails.EmployeeID, "ContractID" : ri!ContractID, "ADUserNameRequstby":ri!SystemRolesDetails.ADUserNameRequstby, "validTo" : ri!ValidTo, "validFrom" : ri!ValidFrom, "Parameters" : ri!Parametarts }})
This is what you need?
OK. So this is all about "Parameters"? Which data type is "ri!Parametarts" (Is this a typo?)? String? If yes, why?
What I see is that it seems that the API expects a list of Name/Value pairs. The easiest way to create this is like you initially did
{ { "Name": "requested", "Value" : ri!SystemInfo.Firewall_requestedFor }, { "Name": "Source", "Value": ri!SystemInfo.Firewall_sourceAD_IP }, { "Name": "Destination", "Value": ri!SystemInfo.Firewall_destinationIPs } }
But make the rule input "Parametarts" (Typo?) an "any" type. This way you pass a data structure into the integration. Here it is added to the internal data structure and then it is turned into JSON altogether.
BTW an integration turns a dictionary or CDT into JSON on its own. The toJson() is not needed.
Now ri!parametars is text same as parametar on the other side.
There I past an expression and save into pv!text variable for double check.
But on my pv the value is OK ,on received site it is with addtional "".
If you put a string containing quotations marks into a toJson, it escapes the quotes to make it valid JSON.
It is pretty hard to understand what you are doing. Did you try to follow my last post?