AutoRefresh editable grid


I have a editable grid.

In the summary page, the entered values in the grid has to be displayed. The values of the grid are displayed only after the view is refreshing the page. 

How can we handle when the grid is updated and after submitting it is re-directed to summary view. And values should be displayed by Auto-refresh.

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Purvaja

    I believe I mentioned previously, when you go back to the summary page after completing a related action, it should reload all local values by default (unless your related action is set to open in a pop-up dialog, in which case this changes somewhat). 

    The normal reason causing data to appear *not* to refresh is when the form is accessed again before the write has a chance to fully complete - which is why I'm asking to see your code relevant to where and how your WTDS call is being made.

    In the case that you're calling your related action as a pop-up dialog, I believe (but haven't done a lot of testing of this personally) that you just need to update your on-form RefreshVariables such that they have "refreshAfter" values of "RECORD_ACTION".