Page refresh or redirect on after button press

Certified Associate Developer


I have an issue with refreshing a page. I've got a read-only grid and a delete button. After I choose some of the rows a press delete, which launches "a!startProcess" function; the problem is that I don't know how to refresh or redirect in that case. I have no rule inputs or variables...

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle
    OK. Your a!queryEntity does not know that it should refresh.

    I'm a little fuzzy on this too, though I assumed since a!gridField() has its own "refresh on var change" then it might "know" how to force the queryEntity to refresh, similarly to having a queryEntity in a refreshVariable (the other primary thing that contains a "refresh on var change" parameter).

    My current guess is that his process is not configured correctly - since if it doesn't chain all the way to the WTDS / DFDSE node that handles the "delete item" functionality (regardless of whichever method is being used), the data won't refresh from the StartProcess completion either way.