Translation Sets

I'm just looking at the new functionality in the release notes for 23.4 and 24.1 and I see Translation Sets that allow you to translate your applications to another language. The walkthrough on the release notes show going in to an interface, clicking a button to generate strings which get put in to the translation object that then you export as excel and send to your translators, to which they fill out, send back, and then you re-upload.

But I'm confused about a few things.

1. Our application has over 100s of interfaces, do we need to go through each interface and click this button?

2. If we do that, it's only getting the strings where the text is hardcoded as string values on the interface. We have always put our labels, instructions, etc in constants so that if we ever have to change verbiage we can just change the constant instead. This functionality is not picking up the constants? Is it expected that we remove all constants and go back to literal strings on the interfaces? We have over 1,000 constants throughout the application, most named properly to identify ("TEXT_LABEL") but that doesn't seem like a good idea to do that? Am I missing something?

If anyone has any thoughts, please let me know.


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