When I upload my files, they disappear!!!
Here is the code:
a!fileUploadField( label: "Please upload any pictures, brochures or other documents describing the Project", labelPosition: "ABOVE", target: cons!PMSO_ApplicationDocuments, value: ri!volunteerDocuments, saveInto: ri!volunteerDocuments, showWhen: if( a!isNullOrEmpty( local!applicationDocSubmissionSuccessful ), true, not( local!applicationDocSubmissionSuccessful ) ), validations: {} ),
I checked to make sure that the accounts have Editor access to the folder and the Constant is pointing to the correct folder.
The Rule Input, volunteerDocuments never gets updated.
The funny thing is that this used to work. I tested it many times, and now it doesn't work. The only change to the system was the security patches that were installed.
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Mike, I use Camtasia. I use it to create user videos. You can check out one here: https://youtu.be/G9JSUh_VPZc
It isn't too expensive and you can do quite a lot with it
Thanks! I'd heard of that one actually. In that case it may be a matter of what my company is willing to provide me, lol.
Chris.Gillespie said:I only changed one thing and that was the constant that pointed to the folder.
This is hard to guess at - it may be something super subtle like a misalignment of permissions - like whether the original folder was good, whether it had permissions per the account you had configured to handle the portal's file uploads, or something else we're just not thinking of. If you make the same change in your original portal configuration, does it not work?