Hello All,
I am trying to upload file through Appian Portal, but a!submitUploadedFiles() is not working properly. i am getting APNX-1-4561-007 error always. I have created service account and provided appropriate security to Folder as well. Can someone help ?
a!localVariables( local!fileUpload, local!furesult, a!formLayout( label: "Form - "&local!furesult, contents: { a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!fileUploadField( label: "File Upload", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: local!fileUpload, saveInto: local!fileUpload, validations: {}, target: cons!SGPL_2023_PLAYER_PICS_FOLDER ) } ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Submit", submit: true, style: "PRIMARY", saveInto: a!submitUploadedFiles( onSuccess: { a!save(local!furesult, "Document Saved") }, onError: { a!save(local!furesult, fv!error) } ) ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, submit: true, style: "NORMAL", validate: false ) } ) ))
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It worked by changing it to folder. Thanks
Hello Alex, The issue is resolved now. Thank You.
Thank you alex.ladue for you suggestion on this, after changing the constant to Folder it worked.
Thank you everyone for your help on the same.
Hi Alex, even though i change the constant from document or folder to folder still i am not able to see the documents in folder could you please help me on this
I have same issue
Oh no no. Your thread is about the site and this one is about Appian Portals.