Process does not show User Input Task

I had a process model that has sub-process, events, script tasks and user tasks, and it was working fine, recently I had to updated the process model and added a sub-process right before the user task that will run multiple sub-processes synchronously and then start a user task; after the update and running the task from the end-user site the process runs but it won't show the user task although it is created and user has to go to tasks tab to access the user task.
Any idea what is going? or any setup that I need to change for that to act as expected?


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  • We do such complex processing in an expression that returns a list of entityData items and put it into a write to multiple datastore items node. When you deploy the cdt manipulation plugin you can load, modify and store data in a single expression. Apply() allows you to do that to any number of items. The important thing is that you expression calls a!entityData to create its output data.
  • Minal,
    Other way you can do is create a web API and call this web API in script task under apply. This will resolve your problem.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    As per my understanding, it doesn't makes any difference whether you calling a subprocess along with MNI or else calling a script Task with MNI configuration which invokes Web-APi and the API invokes Sub process (process). Because as per Minal Statement, the User Input task is depending on the output of all MNI sub-processes, so whether we call a subprocess with MNI configuration or using a Script Task with MNI configurations doesn't makes any difference.

    Unfortunately the response time will be more delayed in case WEB-API, because in this case through Script Task we need to invoke Web-API and after that Web-API needs to invoke Process, but in earlier case directly process was invoking the Subprocess.

    So as per my understanding and as per above contributions, he need to cut-off the nodes or else he should try performing these CRUD operation from User input Task by the help of Smart Service Functions, Also the solution provided by @coltonb as well as @stefanh791 is perfect as per my understanding.