Issue: Using Start Process Link in Tasks


We are using a!startprocesslink() to initiate child workflow(a workflow related to parent workflow but can be executed independently) from the on-going parent workflow. Once the user completes the child workflow observing different behavior as per documentation of a!startprocesslink() "when the user submits the last form, the chain completes and the original interface is reloaded"

Please note: task 1 and task 2 are activity chained tasks or Parent Workflow and user can leave the task and resume any time. There is a task report where the list of tasks are shown to the end user referred as "Task List" below.

Ways to initiate child process -

1. user goes to record, initiate related action, completes Task1, then goes to task 2 , click on link to initiate child process

2. user goes to the task list, picks up ongoing task of parent workflow say task1, completes task 1 and go to task 2, initiate child workflow

3. user goes to task list, picks up task 2, initiate child workflow

in scenario #1 & #2 - when user completes/submits the child workflow, receiving pink error: "The Task Could Not Be Submitted The task has already been submitted."

In scenario #3 - When user submits child workflow, as per documentation original task is loaded successfully

Observation: seems when there is activity chaining, the URL is not refreshing and not holding the current/latest TaskId generated by Appian.

Any inputs. Is this a known behavior in 19.1?

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