What is the main difference between end node and terminate node from process/architect perspective like archive, data management/ engine?
PS: we all know the implementation that if terminate node execute then it will close any in progress node in a process unlike end node.
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Hm ... yes. The fine detail here is, that it is not about the process behaving differently, but all remaining active nodes are completed. And THAT makes the process complete and the parent progressing.
So conclusion is if we have this kind parent child sub-process scenario, we must give terminate node in child process else if a process is stand alone then it is not mandatory to have terminate node.Am I right?
There is no "must" and no "mandatory" here. You need to understand what it does, and then use it to fit your requirements.
Peter Lewis described it pretty well.
Probably then it must or mandatory based on scenario.Thanks for the explanation
Thanks for detailed explanation
Hi Peter,
Is there any way we can restart or re activate the terminated process? One of our process models is set as delete instances after 14 days of completion and the instance is completed with the terminated end node. But now we want one of the instances not to get deleted. Is it achievable?
I think the safest way would be to modify that process instance and add a scheduled empty script task that then goes to a terminating end event. This way you can keep that process alive as long as you need it.
What is the reason for this?
Stefan Helzle said:"ends" is defined by: "There are no active nodes anymore".
Dear Stefan, if this is the case, then the parent process should never proceed further (even if there is no error in child process / happy path ) if the child process has end event instead of terminate end. But in this case the parent process with fail to proceed only when there is an error in child process.
Please suggest.
I do not understand why the parent process should not proceed if the child process completes ?!?!
What exactly is your question?
The question asked by Dhananjay Kumar was, if a sub process having an end event fails, the parent process is not proceeding further even the sub process is corrected and rerun.
So you have suggested to have terminate event instead of end event in the sub process, this way the parent process will resume.
This implies that the parent process will proceed further only if the sub process ends with terminate event.
Is my assumption correct ??