Modify a process variable being passed from external API and rerun the process

Certified Associate Developer


There is processmodel causing JDBC exception due to long data inputs for STATUS column 

local! externalReq: "resourceName=Employee,employeeDetails=[empId=,,  status=married,married,married,married , age: 30], companyDetails=, serviceProviderDetails= ",

There is a process model where its receiving some details from external API and for some reason i am getting few duplicate fields in a running process instance .For example: status column in employeeDetails table.

if the resourceName =Employee then there is employeeDetails been received from API and for some reason i am getting status column as duplicated.Expected thig is status=married .

and as the status column has 10 character length in DB ,my process is causing error .

how can I modify the existing payload to this :-   "resourceName=Employee,employeeDetails=[empId=,,  status=married , age: 30], companyDetails=, serviceProviderDetails= ",

and rerun the existing process instance so it will be saved to DB table .


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