Hi all,
I am trying to capture Mail sent by user and save the attachment in a folder. I am using Receive Message Event for the same and sending mail from my Gmail account to the Process Model UUID as mentioned in the forum "processmodeluuid<UUID>@subdomain.appiancloud.com". Mail is not getting sent in Gmail and used another Smart service, 'SEND EMAIL' for sending mail for the above ID. Then also the process is not working and error "No Valid recipient" is displayed. I have done everything as per documentation. Can anyone please let me know the flow on how to Send the mail and start the process to receive the mail with attachment?
Thanks in Advance.
Please find screenshots below for reference and let me know the changes to be done.
Receive Message Event properties:
Process model properties.
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Karthiha PS It worked for them. The constructed email ID was wrong. After fixing it, it worked.
Hello, could you please tell in case of on premise appian what domains should we use and what are the configurations that i should make. I tried following the appian document but it didn't work.