Column chart Implemention

Certified Lead Developer

Hi team,

i have requirement to implement of column chart to show number of cases created with in the year,

by highlighting the current month with different color.

i couldn't able to complete logic here a!chartseries (color:?),

  local!casescountbyyear: { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,5,7,8,3,2,8,9},
      contents: {
          categories: {
          series: {
              label: "Cases",
              data: local!casescountbyyear
          showLegend: false,
          showTooltips: true,
          allowImageDownload: true,
          colorScheme: a!colorSchemeCustom(colors: { "#3d85c6", "#9d225f",  })
      height: "AUTO",
      style: "TRANSPARENT",
      marginBelow: "STANDARD",
      showBorder: true

how can show the current month in the column chart with diffrent color

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