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Hi surendrab,
We have to use a!iconIndicator() function within a document image.
For Example:
If you want to use a!iconIndicator in a image component.......
label: "Icons",
images: a!documentImage(
document: a!iconIndicator(
icon: "FACE_HAPPY"
If you want to use it in a paging grid then consider this code for reference
load( local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 3), a!gridField( columns: { a!gridTextColumn( label: "Task Name", data: {"Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3"} ), a!gridTextColumn( label: "Assignee", data: {"John Smith", "Andrew Nelson", "Pamela Sanders"} ), a!gridImageColumn( label: "Status", size: "ICON", data: apply( a!documentImage(document: _, altText: _, caption: _), merge( apply(a!iconIndicator, {"STATUS_OK", "STATUS_WARN", "STATUS_NOTDONE"}), {"Complete", "Overdue", "Not Complete"}, {"Complete", "Overdue", "Not Complete"} ) ) ) }, totalCount: 3, value: local!pagingInfo ) )