a!startProcessLink() redirecting back to last clicked PM

I am using a!startProcessLink() to create four different actions from a main page. Main page is part of a process model which contains start node >> main Page (where all four start process links are configured) >> end node (configured to terminate). 

When i launch main process model it shows me page with four link e.g "A", "B", "C" & "D". I also have one "exit" button as buttonWidgetSubmit in main page. If i click on any of the link it will it will launch related PM and clicking on "Back" button will redirect to the main page. Problem is that when i click on "exit" button afterwards, process redirect me to last clicked link instead of completely exit process.


main page  >> link "A" >> back button >> main page >> link "B" >> back button >> main page >> clicked exit will redirect me as if i clicked on link "B" and open "B"'s UI.

Any advise would be great help. 

Note: "All in tempo under Action tab"


Ajay Pandey

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