Hi! I have an editable grid which is filled by the user (possible to add new rows), like in this example:
The editable grid values are saved in a Record, and they all have a common field for each grid created (for example, Employee Set 1, even though it is not shown in the example it should be another column)
Now, I would like to "copy" the created matrix into a grid in another interface, being able to create new columns but without the possibility of adding extra-rows (I mean, without the "Add Employee" dynamic link)
To be clear, my idea is to re-use the data in another grid, and add a column to identify the data for a new purpose
Thanks a lot!
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Alright, step by step:
1) Record Type Constructor: I still don´t know why I should create fake data by this way. Until now, for my editable grids filled by hand for the user, I directly created my local variable (empty) and then replaced it with the data introduced by the user
2) Editable grid: I removed the addrowlink correctly
Now, I´m still not sure how to manage to "replace the fake data with real data"
1. Grid I want to "copy" / "query"
2. Editable grid I want to replace with data of the last grid
My first trial of new code (not working)
Any help with the code would be useful! Thanks again
a!localVariables( local!grid, { a!sectionLayout( label: "Líneas Factura", labelIcon: "list-alt-solid", contents: { a!gridLayout( label: "A continuación, incorpore las líneas de factura correspondientes y pulse el botón de creación", headerCells: { a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Linea Pedido"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Pedido"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Proveedor"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Material"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Precio Unitario"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Cantidad"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Importe Total"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell() }, columnConfigs: { a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "ICON") }, rows: a!forEach( items: ri!recordLineasPedido, expression: a!gridRowLayout( contents: { a!textField( value: fv!index, saveInto: fv!item['recordType!{6e637180-b344-49d2-a1f7-f87eed0041ba}CPF Lineas Factura.fields.{181742a7-4305-4134-b05e-4eebc9c56292}idLineaFactura'] ), a!textField( value: fv!index, saveInto: fv!item['recordType!{6e637180-b344-49d2-a1f7-f87eed0041ba}CPF Lineas Factura.fields.{60774c8e-9b47-486f-9fea-b32c525c05fd}idPedido'] ), a!textField( value: fv!index, saveInto: fv!item['recordType!{6e637180-b344-49d2-a1f7-f87eed0041ba}CPF Lineas Factura.fields.{844be35b-6de5-434e-9c69-e7c7b8a148dd}proveedor'] ), a!textField( value: fv!index, saveInto: fv!item['recordType!{6e637180-b344-49d2-a1f7-f87eed0041ba}CPF Lineas Factura.fields.{019eb28b-727b-4e2c-8160-1bcf8a747ef1}material'] ), a!integerField( value: fv!index, saveInto: fv!item['recordType!{6e637180-b344-49d2-a1f7-f87eed0041ba}CPF Lineas Factura.fields.{eda9bda7-ae57-44e7-a651-d097c8581021}precioUnit'] ), a!floatingPointField( value: fv!index, saveInto: fv!item['recordType!{6e637180-b344-49d2-a1f7-f87eed0041ba}CPF Lineas Factura.fields.{53f231a2-9bf7-40a1-af07-74373fa7bd9f}importe'] ) } ) ) ) } ), a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Completar Creación Factura", saveInto: a!save(ri!recordLineasFact, local!grid), submit: true, style: "PRIMARY", validate: true ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancelar", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel2, submit: true, style: "NORMAL", validate: false ) } ) } )
Well, an empty grid without an option to add any rows is a bit boring and hard to test. That's what the fake data is for.
Once things work, use a!queryRecordType to load the data into that local, replacing the fake data.
BTW, I am not sure what exactly you mean with "data from the last grid". My assumption is that you store this data to the database as the user submits that form.