I am using the Encrypted Text field to store a user's Social Security or National ID Number. When I enter data into the field, I get the following error message.
Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 82d04:b4023] in rule 'pmso_createorupdatespeakerpersonalinfo' at function a!encryptedTextField [line 82]: An error occurred while executing a save: Could not cast from Encrypted Text to Text. Details: CastInvalid.
The SSN is stored as a text field in the Record Type PMSO Speaker. The record is stored as a Local Variable until committed to save by the user.
Here is the code for the field
a!sideBySideItem( item: a!encryptedTextField( label: if( local!isUnitedStates, "Social Security Number", "National Id Number" ), labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder:if( local!isUnitedStates, "-- Please enter your Social Security Number --", "-- Please enter your National Id Number --" ), masked: true(), value: local!speakerRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker.fields.speakerSSN'], saveInto: local!speakerRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker.fields.speakerSSN'], refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS" ) ),
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The data is null. There is no data in the table. This would also be true for the first time we are adding the personal data for a speaker.
Remove parenthesis when casting
a!localVariables( local!data: a!queryEntity( entity: cons!PMSO_speakerPrivateInformation, query: a!query( filter: a!queryFilter( field: "speakerId", operator: "=", value: ri!speakerId ), pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(1, - 1) ), ).data, cast( 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:PMSO}PMSO_speakerPrivateInfo', local!data ) )
Now I am getting this error message.
Expression evaluation error: Syntax error. Details: Expression evaluation error at function a!localVariables parameter 2 [line 14]: Unexpected empty parentheses.
I'm sorry. I missing the .data at the end of the local variable.
I got it!!!!! Thanks everyone!!!!
PMSO_speakerPrivateInfo speakerIdnull(Number (Integer)) speakerSSN**********(Encrypted Text) speakerDOB**********(Encrypted Text) speakerCitizenshipCountry**********(Encrypted Text) createdBy""(Text) createdOnnull(Date and Time) modifiedBy""(Text) modifiedOnnull(Date and Time)
Great!!!!! , I was posting again my code