saving new data to subset

1 group Mailing
Task Storage
Assignee refId Name
1 John Doe
2 Jane Doe
2 group Mailing
Task Reminder
Assignee refId Name
1 John Doe
2 Jane Doe

Hi I have 1 to many relationship between Group (level1) and Assignee (level 2)..

I want to update update and save the the name in Assignee.Name.

I have been using these one below and it did not work

items: {"John Doe 1" , "Jane Doe 1", "Sam Doe 1"},
expression: {

a!save(ri!group [recordtype!group.relationship.Assignee.Name][fv!index],fv!item),


but it was not saved or overridden the Name Field.

i'm looking to save the output like this.

1 group Mailing
Task Storage
Assignee refId Name
1 John Doe 1
2 Jane Doe 1
Sam Doe
2 group Mailing
Task Reminder
Assignee refId Name
1 John Doe 1
2 Jane Doe 1
Sam Doe

could you please help?

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