Discussion Topics

Designing Applications
for Scale

Weaving the Data Fabric:
Start with Synced Records

Center of Excellence
Best Practices

Arming Yourself with
Automated Health Checks

Designing Applications for Scale

Engage in a conversation about:

  • Best Practices for designing, building and testing scalable applications.
  • Proven Architectural Approaches and UX design patterns that allow future growth.
  • Diagnostic tools to help measure, evaluate and resolve performance issues hindering adoption.
Target Audience:
  • All experience levels of Developers and Designers, ideal for people whose day-to-day is developing on Appian.

Weaving the Data Fabric: Start with Synced Records

Engage in a conversation about:

  • How Appian Data Fabric makes easy to access, combine, and take action on your enterprise data.
  • How to apply Synced Records to improve performance and data availability.
  • How to refactoring existing applications to benefit from synced records.
Target Audience:
  • Customers and Prospects
  • Architects, Systems Integrators, Lead Developers, and IT strategists

Center of Excellence Best Practices

Engage in a conversation about:

  • Appian customer-established best practices for building an effective Center of Excellence (COE).
  • Roles and responsibilities of high performance Appian program teams.
  • Turning innovative ideas into business cases, estimating value, and prioritizing projects.
Target Audience:
  • Systems Administrators/CoE members/Business Managers/SMEs.

Arming Yourself with Automated Health Checks

Engage in a conversation about how to:

  • Leverage Appian Health Check to monitor your applications.
  • Interpret Health Check results to identify platform performance risks and proactively design solutions.
  • Use MyAppian to monitor health trends and track issue resolutions.
Target Audience:
  • Systems Administrators/Appian Administrators/Platform Administrators/IT Management.
  • People responsible for the Appian platform and not necessarily designing individual applications.