Encrypt and decrypt sensitive text data using AES
Key Features & FunctionalityEncryption and decryption using AES with option to format the output as hex or base64.
Hi Luis,
Can you confirm whether your encryption key and IV are base 64 encoded? The function assumes it is.
Also, what cipher are you using? If you could share code snippets and values (non-production) I might be able to help you better.
Is it possible to encrypt files with it? if not how can we encrypt files with AES?
In my use case, I need to decrypt a value encrypted (AES) by an external system. Obviously we share the encryption key.
When I run decrypttext function, I get this error: Error decrypting value: last block incomplete in decryption
Could you give me any clue on whats going on? I have no idea about what to say external system responsibles to do different.
Hi Mouli, it's the Key name of the Third Party credential that you must define via the Admin Console.
in encrypttext() component what value we have to pass scskey parameter ?