Amazon Cognito Connected System


The Amazon Cognito Connected System Plug-in is part of Xebia's Amazon Services Suite.  It provides easy access to Amazon's Cognito services for authentication, authorization, and user management in your applications via the Identity pools services.  With an identity pool, your users can obtain temporary AWS credentials to access AWS services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Lex.

Key Features & Functionality

Functionality included:

  • Create Identity Pool
    • Creates a new identity pool. The limit on identity pools is 60 per account
  • Delete Identities
    • Deletes identities from an identity pool. You can specify a list of 1-60 identities that you want to delete.
  • Delete Identity Pool
    • Deletes an identity pool. Once a pool is deleted, users will not be able to authenticate with the pool.
  • Describe Identity
    • Returns metadata related to the given identity, including when the identity got created and other associated linked logins.
  • Describe Identity Pool
    • Returns metadata related to the given identity, including when the identity got created and other associated linked logins.
  • Get Credential For Identity
    • Returns credentials for the provided identity ID.
  • Get Id
    • Generates (or retrieves) a Cognito ID. Supplying multiple logins will create an implicit linked account.
  • List Identities
    • Lists the identities in an identity pool.

For more details on how to use the Amazon Cognito operations please check the Amazon Cognito documentation.


  • Must have an Amazon Cloud account and Access Key with proper IAM access to Cognito Service.
    • Access Key Id: The access key id for connecting to the service
    • Secret Access Key: The secret access key for connecting to the service
    • Define Region: Sets the region to be used by the client. This will be used to determine both the service endpoint (e.g.: and signing region (e.g.: us-west-1) for requests.