Java Message Services (JMS) Connector

This plug-in allows Appian to connect with IBM Messaging Queue (MQ) version 7.5 and other brokers that support Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). 

It provides smart services to:

  • Consume messages from a queue or topic into a database table for processing
  • Send messages to a queue or topic

The download package includes the plug-in and its associated documentation

Version 2 (10-21-18) uses a different plug-in key and therefore will not affect the use of the previous version.

  • The plugin is working good for me. Currently I have hardcode the connection string in "Que Config" node of "JMS Message Producer". To generalize it, I am trying to use Constant to store the connection string, and make this this constant environment specific.

    When I pass this connection string to the plug-in using constant, it throws below error .

    "com.appiancorp.plugins.typetransformer.AppianPrimitive cannot be cast to com.appiancorp.plugins.typetransformer.AppianObject"

    Can you please help if this can be reoslved?

  • What does your Queue Config look like? I would expect the following to work as expected. A constant couldn't be used for the whole Queue Config, but they can be for the individual CDT attributes

    'type!{urn:appian:ps:jms}IBMMQConfig'( host: cons!MQ_HOST,

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