Provides simple Base64 functions intended for use on SAIL interfaces:
Key Features & Functionality
is this being updated for newer versions?
hi Tim Nguyen I need to use hex2base64 but it always returns null? I'm guessing for some odd reason this has a character limit too which seems unrealistic for a HEX encoded string?hex2base64( "3136346338623133396234646262633530323661363133313136366363303261626464383461366339306339636531373362363232613464323939306462623761646233343537333361656334303034633135313936623336613434613431386133393434343235" )
hex2base64( "3136346338623133396234646262633530323661363133313136366363303261626464383461366339306339636531373362363232613464323939306462623761646233343537333361656334303034633135313936623336613434613431386133393434343235" )
I want to base64 encode a AES encrypted string 150 characters seems a little short, are there plans to increase the limits?
Hi Tim Nguyen
It was the same use case as Sudipta Biswas for encoding documents but less of a need with 18.3
Hi Tim Nguyen ,
I want a max length around 2000. In my use case this is a base64 encoded xml document
Hi dannyt,
What is the use case for extending the max length, and how long would the max length be extended to?
Is it possible to extend the max length on this plugin?